Sunday, March 22, 2015

Babies Galore!

One of my favorite topics to talk about these days is babies. I can't get enough of my own baby. I don't even remember what life was like before Ruby nor do I want to. Ruby has been the biggest blessing to Ben and I. We thought we were happy before? Nothing in the world compares to this. It's kind of like in high school when you got a new boyfriend and you would just gush to your girlfriends about how amazing your new boyfriend was and it was quite annoying. That is kind of how I feel although I don't care who I'm gushing to about Ruby. I will gush to random people in Target about how wonderful she is.

I remember when it seemed like all my friends were getting married around the same time about 3-6 years ago. I think there was a summer where we attended 8 weddings. It was such a fun time and everyone was starting a new chapter in their life. Now, it's the season of babies. When I'm trolling facebook I see on a daily basis that someone just had a baby or they are pregnant. I absolutely love it! I love talking "baby talk" with friends who are either pregnant, going to start trying to have kids, or who are already mommies.

Ruby is 7 weeks and I can't believe it. She goes in for her two month shots on the 30th. I'm not looking forward to it at all. When we are driving in the car and she is screaming because she is hungry I just want to take her out of her car seat right there and feed her going down the road. Ben reminds me how unwise that would be. Haha. Ok, I wouldn't actually do that. My point is that a part of me wants to cry right along side of her. Thankfully Ben will be coming along too to get her shots. I also know that it is much harder on the parents than it is their child. Either way, I'm not looking forward to it.

This next weekend will be the start of Ben's spring break. We are going to be going to Florida. I'm totally kidding. As nice as that would be we are actually taking Ruby on her first road trip to Fargo, North Dakota for the weekend. It may not be filled with Mickey Mouse and Palm trees, but it will be filled with unbeatable company. Fargo, North Dakota....home of the Swiers AKA my sister and her family. Speaking of my sister. I'm not sure there is ever a time spent with her where at least once we are laughing hysterically with tears running down our eyes often leavi our husbands looking at us in confusion. I think that's just what sisters do, right? Hopefully one day Ruby will have a sister of her own to laugh uncontrollably with. ;) One day.

Anyway, another random blog post. :) thanks for reading!

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