Tuesday, June 4, 2019

New Jobs and Family Updates

Hey Everyone,

Well, the last time I blogged was when Millie was 4 months I think. I've mentioned before, but we had a really hard first 6 months I would say with Millie. She was colicky, never really slept that great, and only would want to be held by mostly me, and sometimes Ben. Ruby started pre-school during all of this and Stella was stuck in the middle going with the flow like she does. However, we are now in a great place! So many things in our lives are changing and I'm pretty excited and slightly terrified. God is good though and I know without a doubt He will provide in all the ways that we need! Here is a little update on how everyone is doing.

Ruby: Ruby finished her first year of Pre-School. I can't even describe to you how wonderful this school year was for Ruby. I debated even sending Ruby to school and I'm so thankful that I did. Her teachers Ms. Emily, Ms. Jodi, and Ms. Kristine were so wonderful at loving her for who she is. These teachers love Jesus and it shows in the way they teach. It made me feel so good sending Ruby to preschool. One of Ruby's teachers was diagnosed with breast cancer this year and missed a good portion of the year. We were all devastated, however through it, it taught our family a lot actually. We set an alarm for 12:00 every day and it was our reminder to pray. Hearing the prayers flow out of your  three and four year old day after day is just a great reminder of how great God is. We finished out the year and are now looking forward to summer. Ruby has learned how to ride her bike without training wheels and rode all the way to Dairy Queen and back. It reminded me of my childhood. Ruby also has her first week of VBS at church. She didn't want to go until she heard there were games, crafts, and snacks. She has also been working on an elaborate plan to build a house for rabbits. Ben might be able to hook her up with a rabbit from one of his FFA kids and she couldn't be more excited. She continues to be a wonderful big sister and I'm just so thankful for the girl who made me a mom.

Stella: Stella is now three and she is a hoot. She is our easy going middle child. She goes with the flow, and after this year I'm so so thankful for her easy going attitude. She is SO excited to go to preschool next year. She will tell everyone she meets that she gets to go to preschool in the fall. She loves playing in the sandbox. She could sit there all day long. She has selective hearing...She failed her hearing test at her 3 year checkup. I think mostly because she didn't understand what she was supposed to be doing. We got referred to an audiologist who played some pretty fun games with her and determined that she can indeed hear us. She gets pretty focused on something and we can be yelling STELLLLLAAAAA at her and she doesn't respond. My mom said I was the same way. I still can be. ha! It was really fun being at home with just Stella (and Millie) when Ruby was at preschool. Stella also has two cavities. It's pretty crazy to me. We brush her teeth for her every. single. day. Thankfully, my easy going child has no problem going to the dentist. In fact, we are going there tomorrow! We love Stella. She makes us laugh on a daily basis. She has great facial expressions, and we are just so thankful for our Stella Bell!

Millie: Millie is SO happy now. She is 9.5 months. She gave us a good run for the first few months of her life. I'm still not quite sure how we all survived that. By the grace of God we are all here and happy. Millie has become a great sleeper now, thankfully. She sleeps in until almost 8:15 every morning, which is so so nice. She is crawling everywhere whether she is on all fours or on her knees, she gets to where she wants to go. She is starting to pull herself up onto things, but will happily wait for one of her sisters to help her out. She eats just about anything. In fact, I can't think of anything that she hasn't really liked. Even olives....yuck! She loves playing pat-a-cake with my mom and loves playing peek-a-boo with Stella. She lets Ruby carry her around anywhere, which makes Ruby super happy. She does have a bit of stranger danger and separation anxiety. We haven't gotten her to stay in the nursery at church yet. Ruby was the same exact way. If we are at someones house and I set her down and walk away she will typically lose her mind. I think she is getting a little better though. She has two bottom teeth that are on the verge on poking through. Millie continues to impress us with her new tricks. It has been a wild ride so far, but we are so thankful for our Millie Pie!

Ben: Ben is finishing up his 10th year of teaching. He continues to be an INCREDIBLE husband and dad. When he is home he is HOME and so present with me and the girls. I'm so thankful for him. He finishes this school year on Friday and then leaves early Saturday morning for his annual mission trip to Pine Ridge. I think he said that this is the 21st year that his group from the church he grew up going to has gone. That is something pretty special. I hope and pray that one day he will be able to bring the girls along. Ben has some exciting career changes on the horizon however. He will be teaching one more year at Phoenix Learning Center. He loves those kids, but he believes they need more than what the public education system can offer them. Ben is officially signed on with Timber Bay, but won't start working until the summer/fall of 2020. Timber Bay is a ministry that supports and mentors youth in the Buffalo area (as well as several other areas around the state.) He sees this as a way of helping the same types of kids he works with every day at Phoenix Learning Center. However, through Timber Bay he will be able to have a more lasting impact, build stronger relationships, and share the eternal love and true joy that can only come from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Ben has volunteered at Timber Bay in the past, and we are trusting that God will use Ben to reach those in need within our community. This next year will be busy raising support for this ministry, so if you would like to support Ben and I on this journey, he would love to chat with you, or he may just be calling you this summer!

Anne: Well, it has been a hard year for me. Probably the hardest one yet. Three babies is no joke people. I feel like I lost myself along the way, but I'm happy to report that I'm finding myself again. God is good and never loses sight of our needs, desires, and ALWAYS provides. He provides in ways that we may not even see at the moment, but once we weather a storm, we can look back and marvel in his grace. My sister, sister in law, and I are running a 5k in about a month. Holy moly. So, I've been training for that. I've also been exercising daily and trying to eat healthy again. It makes me feel SO much better when I eat healthy and exercise. On another note, Ben and I bought a camper. I'm pretty pumped to use that. My dad LOVED camping. I feel like this is one of the ways to keep his legacy alive. By doing what he loved to do most. Gosh, I miss him. He has been gone for almost four years. There are often times where the girls do something and I just think, oh man, if my Dad could have seen that. Or I wish I could see my dads face when he saw or heard... Loss is hard, but I know I will get to see him again. I'm looking forward to being outside this summer and not being 500 months pregnant. A lot of changes are happening, but I'm so thankful for them and the way they stretch us and our trust in God! Have a great summer everyone!

First and last day of preschool

Yummy Thighs 

Did I mention that my mom and I road tripped down to Texas? Don't think we would do it again, but it was a fun adventure!