Sunday, February 26, 2017

Stella is 10 Months

Hey Everyone,

Every time I sit down to write these, I feel like I just wrote one. To be honest, I write these mostly for myself. I have so much fun going back and reading about what Ruby was doing a year ago, or re-reading their birth stories, or even just last months post. I may not keep elaborate baby books, but I do blog memories. Lots and lots of memories. I also use an app called Groovebook. I absolutely LOVE it! Basically you can submit 100 photos that you took with your iPhone and every month they send you a book of those 100 prints. You can take the pictures out of the book and it is only like $3 a month I think. So, each month I get a book and throw it in a box to look at a later date.

Anyway, Stella turned 10 months old today. She is such a joy. She is content, she is joyful, and very tolerating of her older sister. Here are some facts about Stella.

1. She loves Cheerios and will grunt at me when she wants more.

2. She throws her hands up with a great big smile when you ask her, "How big is Stella?"

3. She is very mobile. She crawls all over the place and pulls herself up onto everything. She has started to stand by herself for 5-10ish seconds. I'm not going to lie, it makes me sad thinking about her walking.

4. She loves to dance, just like Ruby.

5. She is sleeping through the night! We did some sleep training with her. Sleep training is the nice way of saying that we let her cry for 40 minutes the first night, 45 the second night, 5 the third, and the rest was history. Sleep is good y'all!

6. She is much smaller than Ruby was at this age.

7. When she wants to get somewhere fast, she will put her head down and crawl like the wind blows!

8. She still thinks that Ruby is hilarious. She gets very excited to see Ruby in the morning.

9. She will sit and play with toys and be perfectly content. I think it must be a 2nd kid type thing.

10. As soon as Ben gets home Stella will crawl over to him and follow him wherever he goes until he picks her up. It is the sweetest thing!

Onto Ruby. Ben and I have commented a few times in the last year how lucky we have been that Ruby hasn't gotten the stomach flu or thrown up. She has had a couple of ear infections, but other than that we have been pretty blessed. Until Friday night. Ben and I were just sitting down to watch Grey's Anatomy and sure enough I hear Ruby coughing and what sounded like throwing up. So, I did what any sensible person would do....I sent Ben up to check it out. I heard a ANNNNE, can you come up here? Sure enough, she threw up. It was so so sad. I HATE vomit. It makes me queasy, but I don't know, for whatever reason it wasn't as hard when it was your own child. One thing I remember about growing up is that anytime I was sick, my mom and dad were such a comfort to me and so nurturing. I wanted to do that for Ruby. We brought her crib mattress into our room and put it beside our bed. Every two hours or so she would start stirring and then throw up. Not a lot. Aren't you all enjoying this portion of the blog? Remember when I said I blog this for the memories. Anyway, it was short lived...thank God and nobody else has gotten it. What I did find out is that Ben doesn't do well with puke. With that said though, he was an incredible Daddy. He gave her a bath while I cleaned the mess up, and held the bucket a couple of times.

I don't know why, but lately when we are about to go someplace Ruby will start getting whiney and tell me she wants to stay home. I don't know what it is. I'm looking forward to the warmer temps and being able to get out of the house some more. Ruby loves to help me do anything. Remember when I said Stella was content? Ruby loves being right by me almost all of the time. I love my girl, but sometimes this is difficult. Chopping onions is not too easy with a toddler next to you. One night I let Ruby play in a big bowl of flour so I could get dinner prepped and ready to go. Was there a mess? You bet. Nothing I (we) couldn't clean up though.

Well, I'm tired and my mind is drawing a blank. Weird right? haha! I better wrap this up with some pictures. Thankful for all of you!

Ruby emptied the linen closet and Stella climbed in. 

Ruby and Stella with their cousin Violet.