Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ruby is 1.5 years and Stella is 3 Months!

Hey All,

Yep, I still have 2 under 2. I don't know if I have mentioned this on here or not, but Stella is seriously the best baby. I'm SO hesitant to write that because as soon as I do, she might change. Please God, don't let her change.

Ben and I:

Ben has been busy during his summer break. He has been working on our basement like a mad man. He has been teaching drivers Ed to young eager drivers. His patience is through the roof people. He has taught behind the wheel and these last two weeks he has been teaching in the classroom from 5-8. He has also been helping his brother, Adam with some projects. I told Ben that if he doesn't slow down, I'm not going to let him complain during the school year. August is looking to be a little less busy. (He says that now) Ben is a yes man. I'm trying to teach him how to be a (sometimes) no man.

Me. Well, I'm still alive. Being a mom is a 24/7 job. There are no weekends or evenings off. The only time that I haven't woken up with Ruby has been when I was in the hospital with Stella. All you mamas know that is hardly a vacation. Am I right? ha!  I wouldn't change a thing about it. I absolutely LOVE that I get to stay home with these girls. I'm trying SO hard to live in the moment and not let myself day dream about what life will be like in a 5 years from now, or even 1 year from now. I also try my hardest not to complain about the things the girls do, because there are SO many out there who wish they could have my "problems." Last weekend was really great! The girls were dedicated at church and my mom and I went to the Lion King at the Orpheum afterward. It was AWESOME! So, I am getting mommy breaks here and there! :) My dad passed away on July 8 of 2015. So, we spent the weekend of the 8th this year in Fargo this year and celebrated his life by releasing memory lanterns. It was really neat. I miss him TERRIBLY. There are so many hard moments and some good moments. I often wonder what my Dad would think about this or that. I know he would be smitten by Stella and my sisters baby, Leni. It has been a hard year without him, but still so thankful for the years we did get with him.


Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. She is the sweetest little maniac I know. She is talking so much more now and it is SO cute. Her words are: Mama, Dada, go, please, no, cheese, Moose, more, and more I'm sure. I feel like each day she is catching on and saying more. She is on the move all day every day. The only time she isn't moving is when she is taking a nap or asleep at night. Anyone who knows her knows that to be true. She is climbing all sorts of things and reaching higher and higher. We have to be super careful with what we put on the counters. She is getting a little bit better with being gentle with her little sister. I used to walk into the kitchen and Ruby would dart towards Stella like lightening. She sometimes tries crawling into Stella's rock-n-play, but it is usually to give her a kiss. It is really hard to get out of the house in the summer with Stella and Ruby. Ruby still takes two naps. One only about an hour after she wakes up and then again around 1 or 2. They are only about one hour long. Ruby also has separation anxiety. If she knows that either Ben or I are nearby she is off. So, if we go to the park or if I go to any of my MOMS club events, she is completely fine. However, if we drop her off at the nursery at church, she cries and cries and we usually have to go pick her up. Now, we have been super inconsistent with going to our regular church this summer because of traveling and what not. The ladies that are in the nursery are awesome and so sweet, so I have no fear of who I'm leaving Ruby with. Sometimes she does ok and other times she does now. We have tried having Ben taking her, which sometimes works. I'm also going to try and volunteer in the nursery and be in there with her during one of the services. If any of you have any pointers, I would gladly take them!


Stella is such a joy. She is a laid back and pretty low maintenance baby. She sleeps pretty well. She goes down anywhere between 8-9 and wakes around 4 for a feeding and then again around 8 for the day. It is wonderful! She rarely cries. She just starts fidgeting when she is hungry. She can't wear sunscreen yet, so we have limited outside time. Nursing Stella is going really well. I haven't been able to enjoy it as much because Ruby uses that time to climb new things. She is one smart cookie. Stella has been rolling over from her belly to her back and just about rolled over from her back to her stomach. She is getting cute cute little thigh rolls. I think she is longer than Ruby was at this point and maybe not as chunky as Ruby was. There are moments where I look at Stella and think that she looks quite a bit like Ruby, and then most of the time I don't. What are all y'alls opinions? Right now as she is sleeping in front of me, I'm having serious Ruby flashbacks. She is also going to have those beautiful brown eyes. Seriously, Ruby's eyes make me melt into a huge puddle. It's really hard when trying to discipline Ruby when she looks at me with those big brown eyes. Stella is wearing 3 month clothes and still has a head full of hair that likes to stick up. She hasn't lost her hair yet. She does have a bald spot in the back from sleeping on it/being in the rock n play.

Well, that is all I have for now. We are heading to Duluth this weekend with Ben's family. It's always a fun time with all of them. Stella makes 13 for the grandkids count! We are staying at a waterpark, so that should be fun. The boys will all be agate hunting while the girls sip on pina coladas...I mean....just kidding! I'm sure I will be chasing Ruby for much of the time! :)

Sisterly Love

Fun at the park

Go Twins (even though they aren't very good)