Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What I've Learned

Hey all,

Ruby will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. She is growing like a weed. She is almost 9lbs already. She had a great well check up on Monday. I have learned so much about being a mom and about myself through this journey so far. I will list some things I have learned.

1. I need Jesus daily. I need him to help be be an uplifting and loving wife. I need him in the moments where I can't quite figure out what Ruby needs. I need to spend time in His word daily.

2. When Ruby sleeps well at night I'm one happy camper the next day. It's amazing what a good nights sleep can do.

3. I've learned that you can't hold or spoil your baby enough, yet tummy time is very important.

4. I've learned that when burping, you best have a burp rag because chances are you will end up with milk down your chest if you don't.

5. I've learned that the love you have for your child is so deep an unlike any other love.

6. I've learned that it is ok to put Ruby down and even let her fuss if I need to go to the bathroom or unload the dishwasher.

7. I've learned that you always, let me repeat ALWAYS have the next diaper ready.

8. I've learned that my husband is an incredible daddy and brings me such calmness.

9. I've learned that I feel better every day if I get out o my pajamas each day.

10. I've learned that nursing Ruby is by far my favorite time spent with her. May sound weird, but it's true.

On Monday Ruby will be one month old. I will post then more about her and what she's been up to in her first month of life.

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