Thursday, February 5, 2015

First week with Ruby

Hey All,

So far so good in the Harvey household. So, today Ruby is one week old. It has in one way gone so fast and in another way seemed like the longest week of my life. Nobody tells you about the stressful parts of being a first time mom. When we first came home from the hospital all of our families were here. Ruby got quite the homecoming. :) The hospital gave us a chart to document how many times Ruby has pooped and peed. Well, Ben and I noticed that after about 24 hours of being home, Ruby wasn't doing either. We called the hospital and told me to pump and feed ER what I pump an see if she pees or poops. It was very stressful. Well, it worked and she had a wet diaper followed by a dirty diaper. Ben and I both laughed and said we have never been so excited to see a dirty diaper. I have a feeling my milk just hadn't come yet. Boy has it now though. I feel like is all this girl does is eat. I might as well walk around without a shirt. Haha. Not joking. Since that scary moment, things have gone really well. I say that it is stressful because all of a sudden you are given this miracle and it is your job to keep her alive. You question everything your doing along with every little thing she is doing. For example, she jolted as if she was startled and I questione if that was normal. Little things like that.

However, here comes the amazing part. I'm so obsessed with this little girl. I look at her in awe and just stare all day long. Now I'm not really an emotional person. I would say I'm sensitive, but not overly emotional. This girl combined with crazy hormones have made me one big sap. I seriously will look at her and just get tears in my eyes. I will be looking at her and praying for her and just start crying because im so amazed by Gods creation. I'm tearing up as I write this and hold her in my arms. Then there is Ben. He has been SO amazing. I didn't think I could love him more, but throw a kid into the equation and you can. Watching him hold her or hearing him gently ask me if he can hold her for a bit. Haha I think I am a baby hog. This little girl has changed him as well. We are forever changed.

Since I have to write these posts from my phone I haven't figured out how to upload pictures. If you are my facebook friend there has been no shortage there. Oh yeah, we had a home health nurse come check up on Ruby on Monday and she said that Ruby looked great and had even gained 4 oz. already! We have her one week wellness visit tomorrow and I'm excited to see how she is doing.

Please continue to pray for our new family. Pray for rest and that we wouldn't be so anxious with little things and just enjoy her.

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