Friday, January 23, 2015

The end of pregnancy.

Last night as I was trying to settle my brain after watching Parenthood, I started thinking of some funny ways that have told me that the end of pregnancy has GOT to be near. I will list 10 for you.

1. When you drop something, you spend more time thinking about how important it is for you to pick it up or if it is better to just stay in the comfortable upright position.

2. When family members call you, you answer making fake labor sounds and then start laughing and say, "not yet."

3. You wake up to go to the bathroom 4+ times a night.

4. When getting out of bed, you have a system. Mine includes swinging my legs over first and propping myself up. I'm thankful our bathroom is two steps away.

5. When getting up at night you wonder if when you stand up your water is going to break.

6. When walking in the grocery store, perfect strangers look down at your stomach then your face. Come on people, I'm not in college, my eyes are up here. ;)

7. You sit on the couch with your husband with your shirt up watching your belly move like a belly dancer.

8. When going somewhere, you always think about what if I go into labor. Will we be close enough to the hospital? Will there need to be a clean up on aisle 5?

9. Your house is cleaner than it has ever been.

10. People tell you when their sisters husbands mothers grandparents birthday is, so that would be a great day to have the baby.

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