Monday, January 12, 2015

38 Weeks and....NOTHING

Just got back from my 38 week appointment. Despite what I feel like has happened over the last week, nothing has changed. Still 1 cm. dilated. I know Ruby is trying to be all healthy in the new year and all, but doesn't she know that her mommy and daddy are excited to meet her?

On Friday when I was leaving school I gave all of my co-workers hugs and said I was planning on having a baby over the weekend. I did this pretty sarcastically, but truly hoped that maybe, just maybe Ruby would decide to come a little bit early. I was starting to feel a little more uncomfortable last week where walking was becoming much more of a waddle because of the pressure. I was waking up more frequently in the night and every time I would roll over, my hips would crack and often cause some pain. Oh, and the kankles. I've had kankles for the last 4 days and I'm not going to lie, it is kind of freaky. I push down on my ankle/foot area and it just kinda stays. I asked my doctor about it today and she assured me that it is unfortunately quite normal, especially towards the end of pregnancy.

 I know that there are women who are unable to have their own babies and it breaks my heart and I pray for those women daily. I don't ever want to be a woman who complains about pregnancy. I know that there are so many who would do anything to have these "uncomfortable symptoms." Please know that is not lost on me. God has a plan for each person and though we may not understand it at the time, we need to trust and know that he is GOOD in all things.

Also, on Saturday night Ben and I were walking around Menards, because what better things could we be doing? I had some pretty consistent Braxton Hicks contractions. They were so consistent that they made me stop in my tracks and they made me wonder if they were going to turn into the real thing. Well, it only lasted for about 10 minutes and there was no pain. The one thing I'm learning is that pregnancy is so different for everyone. I read on "pregnancy message boards" and talk to co-workers all the time about what their pregnancies were like. So, I will take each new/old pregnancy symptom as they come and count them as a blessing. So, with that said...I have another appointment a week from today and will hope for some more progress. Here is a picture that I took today at 38 weeks. Hopefully there won't be a 39 week picture and instead a picture of Ruby Ann Harvey! Please pray for Ben and I that God will continue to prepare us for parenthood. That we would be parents were our primary focus would always be God. Also pray for me that I would remain patient and know that God's timing is always best. That I would finish my time with my students well and that I would not "check out" with them.Thank you thank you thank you!

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