Monday, January 5, 2015

37 Weeks

Well, technically tomorrow I will be 37 weeks, but today I had my 37 week appointment. Today was also the first day of being back at school. I had some students who were surprised to see me, they thought I for sure was having my baby over Christmas. Some of my students said I could be like Santa. I felt pretty good going into today, although my 5:00 alarm turned into a 6:00 alarm. I will have you know that I usually leave for work by 6:30. The great thing about growing my hair out is that I can simply throw it up and put on some nice clothes and call it a day. Anyway, my day went pretty well. It was good to see my kiddos smiling faces and they were pretty well behaved after being out of their routine for a week and a half.

Ben and I spent yesterday getting some things done in our nursery. It is still not 100% complete, but Ruby will have everything that she absolutely needs when she is born. That reminds me, my mom is going to be making some curtains for our window, which you will see in the picture. Ruby's crib is the crib that Ben and his brothers all used growing up and some of our nieces and nephews have used as well.

Let's get to today's appointment shall we? Well, my appointment was scheduled for 4:00. I teach about 20 minutes from the hospital I will be delivering at. I got my kiddos on the bus at 3:30 and headed out to start my car, so I could zoom to my appointment. Ben had bought me seat warmer pad thing for my car where you just plug it in and turn it on and it heats up. Well, I can tell you that if you forget to unplug it and turn it off even, it will kill your car battery. UGH! I went to start my car and it would not turn over. I knew immediately what I had done. #pregnancybrain. I called Ben in a panic. I really wanted to go to the Doctor today just to see if I have progressed and see how Ruby was doing. I think he picked up on my disappointment and told me he would be on his way to jump start my car. What a man! He was there in 20 minutes. While he was on the way I was able to re-schedule my appointment for 5:00. Praise God things were going to be ok and we would be able to check in on Ruby. I really enjoy not only my doc, but the nurse as well. Well, the Doctor checked me and I'm a finger tip dilated, which is progress from last week. She says that right now Ruby has a bony butt. Sometimes she can't tell if it is her butt up towards my chest or the head, but then when she checks my cervix she is certain that the head is down. I just go along and say, "ok, whatever you say doc." Ruby has a healthy heartbeat and is measuring right on track. So, there you have it. It was kind of un-eventful, but I look forward to giving another update in a week. If Ruby was born tomorrow she would be considered full term. Now, I want her to be as healthy as she possibly could be, but I would definitely be ok if she came earlier than 40 weeks.

Here are some pics of the nursery so far. Thanks for following! Please be praying that Ruby would come on God's timing. Pray that God would continue to prepare Ben and I to be parents. God is so good and we know that Ben and I wouldn't be where we are today without His master plan.

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