Monday, January 19, 2015

39 Weeks Y'all

Hey Everyone,

One week has passed since my last appointment and since my last doctors appointment. Last week was a bit of a whirlwind. I was a little bummed after my last appointment, I'm not going to lie. Even though I was bummed out, I was overjoyed feeling Ruby move around inside knowing that she was healthy. I continued to teach throughout the week. I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but I have had my long term sub in my room for the last couple of weeks shadowing me and just getting to know the kids better. As you may or may not know, I have a very unique class that requires a lot of attention and energy. Without going too far in detail, I have a few kiddos who struggle with change. They get bent out of shape if I change our schedule throughout the day, so I have known with a nervous knot in my stomach that changing their teacher in the middle of the year is going to be extremely difficult for them. With that said, I decided with the support of my Principal that last Friday would be my last day with the kids. This way I was able to really prepare them and let them know the exact date I wouldn't be their teacher. Am I still super nervous? Absolutely! If the dynamic of my class would have been different, I would have taught up to the moment of me being in labor. Anyway, with all of that, Friday was my last day teaching. It was a bitter sweet kind of day.

Onto my 39 week appointment. My nurse came to get me in the lobby with this sympathetic look like, I'm sorry your still pregnant. I just smile and say Yep, still pregnant and huge. We go through the familiar motions of weight check, blood pressure, pulse, and temp. We joke around a little bit, she leaves and a little while later my doctor comes in. She smiles and says, "still pregnant. "  She measured me and said the baby is still measuring right on track. Check the heartbeat and that is strong. Then comes my favorite part....checking my cervix. Please note the sarcastic tone in my voice. As I lay there uncomfortably waiting for my doc to say if I have dilated anymore her answer today was, Yep there is your cervix and still only 1 cm. AKA no progression since last week. Wah Wah. I prayed before going in that I would be grateful for whatever she told me. I have to say, I am grateful. I'm thankful for a strong and healthy hear beat. I'm thankful for a baby that will be strong enough to survive when she is born. I'm thankful for a knowledgeable doctor who I respect. I'm thankful to know that Gods timing is always best. The Doctor did tell me that things can change over night and I could go into labor at any time. So, Ben and I will continue to wait with excitement!

I will say, it has been SO fun talking to other mommas and hearing their birth stories. Or even hearing place bets on when they think I will have her. Lauren, I'm still not too happy with you for thinking I will go over, but that's ok. I love you anyway! We had the day off today for MLK day and tomorrow we have a Professional Development day and then starting on Wednesday I will be done working and my new job title will be "Mom in Waiting!"

Side note: Ben and I's 10 year old computer died over the weekend. I think we will be getting a new laptop eventually, but for now I will be blogging from my phone. Sorry! Thanks for reading anyway. I will write again next week unless sweet Ruby decides to grace us with her presence before that. Let's all hope and pray for the latter shall we? ;)

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