Monday, January 26, 2015

February Baby?

Hey Everyone,

Well, I just got back from my 40 week appointment. 40 weeks people. That is a long time to be pregnant. Well, not long enough according to Ms. Ruby. Turns out she is not ready yet as I'm still only a fingertip dilated and my cervix is still high and not softened. I just had to kind of laugh as I was lying there. I will say that I often read these pregnancy blogs and pregnancy message boards of other people who are due around the same time as me. They keep talking about how miserable they feel physically. I'm incredibly blessed in the way I feel. Besides wanting to meet my dear daughter so badly, I feel great.

What happens next? Well, I will have another appointment a week from today and if she hasn't decided to come on her own I will go in on Tuesday evening to start the induction process. On Tuesday night they will insert something near my cervix to try and soften it. Then the next day they will start me on Pitocin. Hopefully none of that has to happen and she comes on her own. Ben and I are just so excited to meet her! I think Moose is ready too. He follows me around everywhere and will often just stare at my stomach. As for me, I'm going to head over to Pinterest to find a DIY project to keep myself busy. :)

Please pray for Ben and I this week that we would just be patient and truly cherish our time together before Ruby comes. We hear that life isn't quite the same after kids. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Wyatt was born at 41 weeks. After having the twins at 37 weeks, that extra month felt like an eternity! I feel your pain!
    Just know that whenever she arrives will be the right time. And you're right, you should enjoy your last bit of time just the two of you. Go out for ice cream late at night; snuggle up and watch a movie the whole way through; and get in your car and go somewhere with JUST your purse! No diaper bag, no nursing cover, no stroller and no carseat. You'll miss those days in a while!
