Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Not the Mom I Thought I Would Be

Hey Friends,

Did you grow up fantasizing about what your wedding day would be like and who you would marry? I din't really do that. I would always fast forward to having a family of my own. I often thought about all the things I would do with my kids and how awesome I would be at being a mom, because hey, I taught Kindergarten, right? Doesn't that just set you up to be super mom? Nope. For all you moms out there who are wondering what happened. I'm here to tell you that you are enough. Lower those expectations of yourself and just love.

Here are some of the things I thought I would be awesome at!

I thought I would be doing all the pinterest worthy crafts with my kids by now. Wrong. I have yet to touch them or even really look them up. The thought of paint flying all over my table and glitter getting stuck in hair makes me cringe. We run around the kitchen 5,000 times instead.

I thought I would have the perfect little meals for my girls. Wrong. I have tried, I will give it that. But you know what, sometimes they don't want those damn cauliflower tator tot bites. I mean, can you blame them? So, sometimes their veggies come in the form of that wonderful pouch.

I thought we would always be out doing really fun things. Nope! Turns out it is really hard taking a 1 and 2 year old out and about on your own. It is much easier when your husband isn't working. Instead we make fun forts in the house and climb on the highest mountains..errr chairs.

I thought I would love spending all my time with them. Wrong. Sometimes I get jealous of my husband who gets to go to work. Mostly because he gets to drive to and from work in peace.

I used to think that I would never yell. Wrong. I really try not and am getting better, but sometimes it comes out. It comes out and I usually cry and apologize afterwards.

I used to think that I would NEVER take my kids to McDonalds. Wrong, I did and have. Can't say that I like it, but sometimes the thought of not having to clean up or argue over eating veggies is worth it.

I used to think I would be a fit mom and running around with my girls constantly. Well, that hasn't happened yet, but you better believe I'm working on getting there. Those girls are worth it. Childhood obesity scares me and I know that it starts with me and my habits. Mama is a changing.

I used to think that my house would be spick and span ALL THE TIME. Let me tell you. Picking toys up is a little bit like shoveling in a blizzard. It's pointless. I try to here and there and I do every night once they are in bed, but yep, if you come over at 3:00 afternoon, you will see a mess!

Here is what I can tell you. I am trying. I'm trying to be the very best mom and the best wife. I can tell you that I love my girls more than anything and wouldn't trade a second for getting to stay at home with them. I can tell you that they might drive me nuts at times, but I've never been happier. I can tell you that I'm not the mom I thought I would be and that is OK. Mamas, you're doing great! Please be encouraged that God has you right where He wants you and that He will direct your path.

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