Sunday, July 23, 2017

Getting My Shift Together

Hey Everyone,

As some of you may know, I decided to become a health and fitness coach. Why you ask...I ask you why not. I absolutely love it. I love that I get to exercise daily, I love that I get to try and eat healthy every day, I love that I get to encourage others to do the same. I have loved all the positive messages about getting healthy. I can't imagine a better investment than your health really.

With that said, tomorrow on July 24th I along with thousands of others are starting a new program called Shift Shop. This is a 21 day program with customized workouts, meal plans, and motivation. Guess what. I'm going to blog through it. That's right, I'm going to give you my most honest opinion of the program. Let's be honest, I don't want to fake my way through anything. I don't want to be fake with the women that I'm helping. I will be blogging after week one, week two, and week three, and posting on Facebook in between. I will be sharing how many pounds have been lost, how many inches were lost, and how much confidence was gained! I will share before and after photo's as well. 

To be honest, I get kind of hooked on workouts. For the LONGEST time I was a 21 day fix workout girl. I was never going to quit that. But then I exchanged Netflix for Beachbody on Demand and boy were my eyes opened. I started doing CIZE with my man Shaun T. Cize is kind of like Zumba, so I loved doing it in the comforts of my living room instead of in a class in front of a bunch of people. haha! Then, Shaun had this thing going called Shaun Week. It was Shaunfabulous. Yep, I made that up. So, needless to say, it has been hard to quit Shaun. BUT we are moving on people. Time to work with Chris Downing and do a program called Shift Shop. 

Using a breakthrough "ramp-up" method, Chris starts you out slow in Week 1 with 25-minute cardio and strength workouts you can really do, and a nutrition plan you can stick with. In Week 2, you push harder with 35-minute workouts, and consume more protein to fuel the burn. But it's nothing you can't handle. Finally in Week 3, you kick your shift into higher year: 45-minute workouts and clean eating. Clean eating like no carbs y'all. I LOVE carbs. Thankfully the following Monday I will probably eat a whole pizza. Ok, not really, but I'm sure I will go back to eating carbs. Also, disclaimer, if Chris told me I couldn't drink coffee I would say, "Bye Felicia!"

Here is a video of what the program will look like.

So yep, I can't wait to walk through this journey with you. I promise to be honest about the program, I promise to show my sweaty selfies everyday via Facebook whether you like it or not. ;) I promise to drink my nutrient dense shake every single day, because let's be honest, I rate that right up there with coffee. Please feel free to cheer me on. If you don't see me posting about it, call me out. I want to hear from you! 

My target areas are my belly and butt. I did take pictures showing my bare stomach, but don't feel comfortable sharing that with the world. If you would like to see them, I would not think it is weird and can email them to you. Let me know. : )
 Before Side Profile
Before Front Profile

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