Sunday, April 26, 2015


I fear the day Ruby falls and breaks a bone. I fear for the times she will get her feelings hurt. I fear for when she gets her heart broken for the first time. I fear when I turn around and can't find her at the store. I fear the world that Ruby will grow up in. As a mom I want to protect Ruby and shield her from all things that will hurt her in some way. I know this is impossible and actually not good for her. God actually tells us to not have fear. So, as Ben and I parent Ruby and Lord willing other kids we may have, I pray that we don't parent in fear, but we parent resting in the Peace that God gives us. Ben and I can and will do the best we can each day to raise children who walk with the Lord and know that their protection comes from God. He is in control. On the days that parenting is really hard and we may try to do it on our own, I pray that we continually seek Him for answers, peace, understanding, and forgiveness. I also pray that we always give thanks for what He has given us.

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