Friday, February 19, 2016

2 Months Until DDAY!

Hey Y'all,

My due date is in exactly 2 months. WHAT? When did that happen? I feel like that has been the theme of this pregnancy. I feel like this pregnancy has gone by SO fast. I do however remember Ruby's pregnancy going by fast and then feeling like the last month lasted 10+ more months. I'm wondering if that will happen this time around or if this 1 year old walking, climbing, slobbering, eating, pooping, machine, I mean daughter of mine will help pass the time. People always ask if we're ready and I can speak on behalf of Ben and myself that our answer is always absolutely not. We do have everything we need....somewhere in our house. :) We even have some newborn diapers left over from Ruby.

I feel like during your first pregnancy everything is so new and so exciting. Not to say that we aren't excited this time around, let me make that clear. We are so excited. It is different though. Honestly, I'm not able to sit around and day dream about what life will be like with a new baby. I don't have the time to look up info on my baby apps about pregnancy symptoms or baby development at this stage in the game. Stella's nursery is still in fact the office/play room/Moose's room when we leave the house. When I was pregnant with Ruby I think we had the nursery all set up with a few months to spare. The funny thing is that I don't think we even had Ruby sleeping in her crib for the first 3 or so months.

Ruby had her first birthday party last weekend. It was so much fun! I don't think Ruby fully understood that all of our friends and family were here for her. She enjoyed her time though, especially with all her cousins. I did however have my first episode of mommy guilt. It was the funniest/eye opening thing. After all of our guests were gone and Ruby had gone to sleep for the night, Ben and I were sitting on the couch relaxing with our feet up and Stella started moving up a storm. I was like oh my gosh, I almost forgot about you Stella. I was so busy that I hadn't remembered feeling her move at all during the day. I feel a little ridiculous saying that since Stella hasn't been born yet, but the truth is, you feel a bond with your baby before that happens. Every move, every kick, even the not so fun symptoms reminds you that you are pregnant. Honestly, it is a feeling that I wish everyone (even my husband) could feel at some point in their life.

There are things that I think to myself that I will do differently or the same with Stella. Now, I do know that some things you really just can't control. I also know that every baby is different. I can't wait to find out how Stella and Ruby are different and the same for that matter. Sometimes I think Ruby has been SUCH an easy baby. However, what if Stella is even easier. Or what if Stella is so much harder. What if she doesn't sleep well, what if she doesn't breast feed well, what if she is colicky, what if she wants to be held all of the time? These are some fears of mine. I wouldn't mind holding her all the time, but I don't think Ruby will let that happen. Something that I think I will try differently is to pump more once Stella is successful at breastfeeding. To be honest, Ruby stopped breastfeeding around 9 months. It made me sad, but at the same time, it was so nice to bottle feed. I wish I would have had breast milk stored up instead of buying formula. I know they call breast milk liquid gold. I have to say the same for formula. It's expensive!

Anyway, those are my thoughts at this stage in the game. It's looking very rainy out right now, but the weatherman told me it is supposed to be 40 and sunny after this. That calls for one thing. Getting outside! Ruby and I both need a break from being inside! I will put on my rain boots on to avoid the mud and Ruby and I will go for a stroll.

P.S. one more random thought. I despise being late. However, since having Ruby, I'm almost late for everything. I haven't figured out yet that it takes an extra 15 minutes to pack up her diaper bag, which I usually forget the essentials anyways, and load her up into the car. Not to mention putting her coat, shoes, and socks on. I'm fearful that once Stella comes along and it is just me at home that we will never make it out of the house. I'm absolutely amazed that anyone with multiples does this. I will take any pointers you may have!
She loved her cake! 

Thank God for rails. 

Love her! 

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