Wednesday, July 15, 2015

2015 = Best/Worst Year Ever

Hey All,

I haven't blogged in awhile. Apologies. 2015 has been the best and worst year of my life. It has been the best because we had Ruby January 29th. She has been the biggest blessing of our lives so far. She brings us such joy. Her smiles, giggles, and even cries signifies LIFE. I will share more about Ruby in a moment. 2015 has also been the worst year because we lost my dad. It still doesn't feel real to me. I still feel like my dad is going to come walking through the house and be 100% healthy. I miss him, but I'm SO thankful that I was able to have good and important conversations with him before he died. I was able to tell him how much I loved him. I was able to share some of my favorite memories with him. He was able to do the same. He shared with me how he wasn't afraid of death. Not everyone gets the chance to have those conversations with people before they pass away. I'm thankful that my dad knew the Lord and that he will spend eternity in heaven. All that said, it doesn't mean that I don't miss him, or that it makes it any easier. I have good moments of remembering him and I have moments where I'm a sobbing mess. I spent some time today listening to old voicemails from my dad. Cue the sobbing mess. ;) I have also spent time just going over fun memories and just smiling. In the end folks, God is still so good. I'm thankful that I can rely and find comfort in Him. I have to say the amount of support that my family has received over the last three months but even more the last couple of weeks has been incredible. People that we haven't seen in ages stopped over and brought food and goodies. It is evident that my dad was truly loved by everyone he came in contact with.

Now, about Ruby. She is such a chunk. She is rolling from point A to point B. She is on the verge of crawling and quite possibly getting some teeth. She has a case of stranger danger, but if you ease your way in, she will be happy to give you smiles instead of cries. She also went through this hilarious phase of grunting. She wouldn't really coo, she would just grunt. When we would go get her in the morning, instead of smiling first she would grunt first. It was almost like a gremlin. Sadly, that has passed, but thankfully she has started talking a lot more. Sometimes it is hard to get a word in. Typical girl. ;) We have spent the last 2 weeks in Watertown, so all sleeping habits that she had before kind of went out the window. Some nights she was in bed by 6 and some nights she was up until 9:30. I'm hoping being back in her crib will provide longer stretches of sleep instead of the 3 hour stretches she was having in her pack and play. Again, Ruby gives Ben and I SO much joy. It is hard to describe or put into words. I think other mommas understand what I'm trying to talk about. Oh yeah, Ben and I are also the proud owners of a mini van. Yep, you read that correctly...MINI VAN! I've always wanted one, but I felt like we had to have a kid first. Lord willing one day that mini van will be filled with little Ben and Anne Harvey's.

Thank you everyone for all the love and support that my family has received over the last three months. When you are done reading this and if you are able, I want you to call your dad and tell him how much you love him. In fact, try to do that with all of the people in your life that you love and are so thankful for. You won't regret it!

My dad and I on my wedding day. He was the most incredible father. I honestly wouldn't change a single thing from him as my dad.  
Ruby and I in Watertown. 

Ruby with her cousin Liam. He just turned 3. I'm surprised that Ruby didn't squish the poor guy.

Ruby had her first in car blowout on the way to Watertown. 

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