Thursday, January 26, 2017

Stella is 9 Months and I Just Want Some Sleep!

Hey Everyone,

Ok, I might be acting a little dramatic on the sleep part. Stella is 9 months old, Ruby is days away from 2, and I'm well, I'm here and we are all doing really well. For about the last month, Stella has been waking up 4-5 times a night. Now, at this point, I would typically just let her cry and have her self soothe. However, Ruby is right next door to Stella and will wake up if I let Stella cry too long. So, I usually give it 5-10 minutes and then I just go in and nurse her back to sleep. This very same thing happened with Ruby, although with Ruby it was because I had dried up. Probably due to being pregnant again. I'm not ready to say I'm drying up just yet. Although I have done a few experiments. I have fed her and then given her a full bottle of breastmilk and she only woke up 2 times. It still seems a little different with Stella, but we may be heading in that direction. Rest assured that I'm am NOT pregnant again. There will not be 3 under 3 in the Harvey household. I guess if God has other plans then so be it, but if that were to happen it would not be planned. I think Stella might just be a baby that doesn't require a whole lot of sleep. She takes two naps during the day, but they aren't very long. She is however such a happy baby and such a content baby. I will give you 10 fun facts about Stella and then I will blog again after Ruby's 2nd Birthday to tell you about Ruby.

1. She is crawling all over the place and climbing and pulling herself up onto anything and everything.

2. Ruby is still her favorite person. One of my favorite moments each day is when Stella and Ruby see each other for the first time in the morning. The smiles from both of them are so genuine and so beautifully big!

3. People keep asking if I have given her a haircut. I haven't. I wonder if her head is just growing into the insane amount of hair that she had. I do think it is getting lighter though.

4. She says, "mamamamamama" and "dadadadadada. I'm not sure she knows that it is us though.

5. She loves splashing around in the bathtub. I can't wait to take her swimming this summer.

6. She doesn't have stranger danger like Ruby did. Stella goes to the nursery doing church and does just fine. She does still give strangers a complete straight face though. It is pretty funny.

7. One of our favorite things to do is turn on the radio and dance. I think Stella has dance in her future. Although, I caught her twerking and told her that it was unacceptable.

8. She crawls over to her daddy every time he comes home. It's the sweetest. It is also so sweet how much Ben loves his girls!

9. She is eating solids now. I think her favorite right now is butternut squash and blueberry puffs.

10. She is just so so content. She goes with the flow, she plays by herself, but always has a watchful eye on what Ruby is doing.

Stella is honestly such a joy. We all are smitten by her! Ben and I are doing really well. We have been watching Grey's Anatomy and are currently on season 10 I think. We got sucked in big time. The girls go to bed and then we play a few rounds of ping pong and then watch a couple episodes of Grey's. It is SO nice having my husband back now that the basement is pretty much complete. He and his family worked SO hard on getting it done and I'm so so thankful for them. I'm most thankful though that instead of having to work after the girls go to bed that he can relax. He is a hardworking man! I've been doing my 21 day fix. I absolutely love doing this program. It is so simple. Eat right and exercise, that is all it is. I feel so good and I know without a doubt this is a lifelong commitment vs. crash diet. Hit me up if you guys are wondering more about what it entails! Anyway, I'm busy getting ready for Ruby's 2nd Birthday party. (Enter weeping mommy here) It will be a fun weekend with lots of family! Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned for Ruby's 2nd Bday post!

Stella on left. Ruby on right. 

Love them!

2 girls in a box. Ruby has lots of kisses for sissy. 

When moms away, Ruby steps in! 

She climbs everything! 

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on being SO tired. Carly just turned one and she is still up at least twice a night, but often more than that. I know they say it's part of having a breastfed baby... but it still sucks! I think we deserve awards! Where are our trophies? :)
