Sunday, July 2, 2017

You Can Join Me or Watch Me

I was one of the judgers. I would look on Facebook and see "Beachbody Coaches" and roll my eyes. Honestly, I truly thought why in the world are they doing that. The majority of the women I saw online looked like they could beat me up. I would tell myself that I did not want to look like that. This was before I had kids. Then something happened. Kids. Kids happened.

Six months after having Ruby is when my dad passed away due to cancer. I can't begin telling you the heartache that I still feel every day. When it was happening I think I was pretty stressed out and lost weight easily. I think I was at my pre-baby weight around 4 months pp. After he died though, I think it switched to survival and eating un-healthy food and turning to food as a stress reliever. When Ruby was 8 ish months, I got pregnant with Stella. I don't know why, but with Stella I was like well, I'm pregnant, I can eat whatever I want. And I did. And I gained about 40 pounds in the process. Let me tell you something, weight doesn't just come off as soon as you have the baby, especially if you didn't treat your body well while being pregnant. So, where am I now?

I was looking at some pictures on Facebook and saw my friend TyAnne. She looked AMAZING! Not only did she look amazing, she just looked really happy and healthy. I was desperate to find something that worked. I was desperate to get healthy again. I had tried a bunch of different "diets" that only motivated me for about 1.5 weeks. I had to talk to her. She told me she was doing Beachbody. I honestly was like no way. Darn it. I'm not doing that. Then she told me more and more about it and I thought, well that sounds like a genius plan! She had portion containers, which I needed and I think all of America does too by the way, she had a daily workout that was only 30 minutes long. I mean, with 2 under 2 at the time, that is exactly what I needed. She was apart of accountability groups that encouraged and motivated each other, which is what I needed and truly desired. Being a stay at home mom can be isolating at times and this was another way to connect to other people. The accountability groups are done virtually, so you can check in whenever you can or have a spare minute...literally. :) You don't have to load up kids to go check in or even workout. She had a, sorry for the language, kick ass coach who motivates daily and truly and genuinely wanted her to succeed. She drank this drink called Shakeology that changed some health issues she had been having previously. Done and Done. I wanted in.

I joined and I tell you, it was life changing. Not only life changing, but life saving. Literally. I have been taught  how to eat healthy portions, what I can and can not eat, that sometimes it's ok to cheat and give in to those yummy french fries because let's be honest...we are human right? I love that this is a lifestyle. I have to choose each day to workout, I have to choose each day to get my four servings of veggies (plus a lot of other stuff) I have to choose to be proud of myself of where I am right now and where I want to be tomorrow, the next day, five years from now, etc. I love that I'm choosing to get healthy now so that I can run around with my active girls and not get winded. I'm choosing my health. I also love that there are people who are at their peak in their fitness goals and they are still doing this. That's what makes it a lifestyle.

I'm still nowhere near my goal people. I'm not one of those skinny make it look easy type people. I'm overweight, but working really hard at becoming fit. I would love to lose 40 pounds. I made a deal with some of my friends from MOMS Club...girls, we need a name for our awesome group by the way. Anyway, we made a deal to run a 5 k by next summer. Some of you are like easy peasy, but let me tell you, running a 5k with 40 extra pounds does not sound awesome. That is my 1 year goal. I have been so lucky and blessed to have people pouring into me and encouraging me to be the best me!

I have decided to become a Beachbody coach. Yep, roll your eyes. I don't care. I was where you are. haha! I absolutely get it. Why am I doing this? No, I still don't want to look like I could beat up my husband. I'm doing this because for the first time I have found something that works, that is so incredibly healthy I can't stand it, and I absolutely know without a doubt that I have SO many people in my life who are where I am. In need of daily encouragement, in need of the right tools to get healthy, and in the need of weight loss. If you're out there somewhere and in need of help getting on the right track, let me know. If you want to find out more, you can message me on Facebook. You can email me at You can give me a call. If you are local, I really love coffee and would love to buy you some coffee. Let's do this people, let's form a tribe and get healthy.

With all of that said, I have a challenge group starting on July 17th. I have room for 10 women, so if you are interested let me know right away.You can watch me or join me!

                                   This picture on the left was when I started and the picture on the right was taken a few days ago. Exercising has become my outlet, I've learned how to fuel my body with the right foods. I'm just SO so happy even though I'm not where I want to be yet.

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