Thursday, May 26, 2016

Stella is ONE Month!

Hey All,

I don't know how it happened, but Stella is one month old today. Wasn't it just last week that I had her? Sheesh! I thought time went fast with Ruby, but nobody warned me that the second would go even faster. It could be that I have a toddler who doesn't sit still for a second. Speaking of Ruby, she is such a sweet girl. I can't even handle all of her spunk and personality. Unfortunately, Ruby has a double ear infection at the moment. She has had a runny nose and has been coughing for the last few days and just looked sick in her eyes. Poor girl! So, now we are on operation keep Stella healthy.

Back to the star of the show. Stella. Here are 10 facts about one month old Stella!

1. She doesn't really cry except when she is hungry and I can't feed her because she is in her car seat. Even when she is hungry during the day, she usually just starts squirming and then when picking her up she tries to eat my arm. Ha!

2. She is getting better at sleeping through Ruby's shenanigans. She sleeps pretty well at night, but is pretty inconsistent. Two nights ago she woke up every three hours. Last night she slept from 10:00-6:00. Eight hours! Yahoo!

3. She still has hair that sticks up. It won't lay down. It also is greasy. I give her a bath and the next day it is greasy. I think I remember Ruby's kind of being like that in the beginning.

4.  She has started smiling and talking a lot more. I can't guarantee that her smiles aren't from gas though!

5. Ben, Ruby, and Moose (dog) have brown eyes. I have grey eyes. It is fun trying to figure out what color eyes Stella will have. Some days they look lighter and some days they look darker. I feel like Ruby always had dark dark eyes and now she has the most beautiful brown eyes.

6. Stella got to meet her cousin, Leni who was born just three days after her. It was fun just hearing the different sounds and the different looks. Leni has a head full of hair as well!

7. She is starting to grow out of her newborn clothes.

8. She is starting to get some baby acne on her chin. I remember when Ruby looked like a little teenager with the baby acne.

9. She loves baths just like her older sister did and still does. Just like their mama!

10. She is a great/efficient nurser. It is still one of my favorite parts about being a mom, but I don't get to enjoy it as much when Ruby is running around, climbing things, and getting into things she isn't supposed to.

Thank you everyone who has been praying for us. We are so thankful for all of you.

One Month Old! 

Enough with the pictures! 

Starting to smile more! 

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