Saturday, December 22, 2018

Four Month Millie

Hey Everyone,

Inside of my head when we were having a very difficult time with Millie I kept telling myself that once we hit four months things will look a little clearer. As I was walking her and rocking her from one side of the house to the other almost all the time it seemed like four months would NEVER come. But here we are. We have made it to four months and sure enough, Millie is so happy! I can put her on her play mat and she will smile and play to her hearts content. Millie's first three months were rough. They were rough on us all. God is good though and I think we are all stronger and closer because of it!

   Millie has some of the best cheeks and thighs around. Gosh she is cute! She has brown eyes like her sisters and her daddy. She loves when Ruby plays with her. She is still a little leery about Stella. Stella is often times too rough for her own good and doesn't realize it. Millie wakes up once or twice a night, which isn't bad. She is taking about four naps a day. We have gotten to the point where I can usually lay her down as soon as she starts rubbing her eyes and she will fall asleep on her own. She will typically scream for less than 10 minutes and she is out. She only takes 30-45 minute naps though. I have started to take Millie to the gym with me and we go walking on the track. Sometimes I will park her next to my elliptical or bike as well. The older ladies love taking a peek at Millie. Millie also got to play baby Jesus at our church's living nativity. She fell asleep for the first bit of it and was pretty sweet for the rest. Ben and I had fun playing Mary and Joseph. We can't wait to find out what the next month brings! :)

    Stella I think has entered her terrible two's even though she will be 3 in April. Holy smokes. She can be the sweetest girl. She goes with the flow. Gives some good hugs and kisses. However, if Ruby has a toy that she wants or Ruby does something she doesn't like, Stella will go after it. She has been known to pull Ruby's hair, hit, or draw on Ruby with marker. Ugh. We are definitely working on using our words, telling mommy and daddy right away, etc. Stella really wants to be in Pre-School just like Ruby. She loves going and dropping Ruby off, but can't wait for the day to go herself. I'm not sure if she will go next year or wait until the following year. We are going to potty train Stella right after Christmas. She is beyond ready. She sometimes will tell us when she is peeing and she always tells us when she is pooping. It's mostly been us being lazy. She is getting some new undies in her stockings this year though, so hopefully she will be excited! :)

   Ruby is growing so much this year. She continues to LOVE Pre-School. I feel so blessed that Ruby gets to go to a Faith based Pre-School. I love when the things we are trying to teach her at home are also being taught at school. She loves her teachers Ms. Emily and Ms. Jodi. She has started being more interested in coloring, writing, and artsy type things. She is entering one of my favorite ages! Ruby is very excited for Christmas and all that comes along with it. She loves doing our advent calendar at home. She loves going to Awana on Wednesday nights as well. I'm amazed at how much scripture she has memorized this year. It is also helping Ben and I memorize more as well! Ruby is such a sweet girl and has been such a big help with Millie this last month. If we could just work on her and Stella getting along a little better than that would be great! One minute they are playing SO well and the next minute one of them is crying. #sisters

I guess all my babies have those sweet kissable cheeks. Ruby top left. Stella bottom left. Millie on the right. 

Gosh I love him! 

Sweet Stella looking at the tree. 

I snuggle this one as much as I can! 

Ruby's Christmas program at Pre-School was SO cute! 

Millie chilling next to me as I ride the bike at the gym. 

2nd Annual Gingerbread at Grandmas. My mom rocks! 

I mean COME ON. So so sweet. 

Ruby and Stella LOVE playing grocery store!