Fast forward 2 years and another baby. Life has never been sweeter and it has never been more challenging. Ruby is full of spunk, full of love, and full of energy. I sometimes wish I could put a fit bit on her because she would have 100,000 steps. A go pro would make anyone who watched quite nauseous. She loves her sister, Stella! It is fun that Stella is now able to interact with her as well. I can't wait for Stella to get old enough to take her toys back when Ruby takes them from her. Ruby loves her people so much. She gets so excited to talk to her grandparents on the phone, but would much rather see them in person. She loves having friends over to play and she loves her Auntie Sarah. This past weekend I was liked chopped liver while Sarah was here. First thing in the morning Ruby went and cuddled up with Sarah. Here are 10 facts about Ruby. (That's easier)
1. She loves Curious George and often refers to him as "ah ah" I think because that is what a monkey says. Anyway, we had a Curious George themed party over the weekend and it was a blast. Ruby was in heaven with all her cousins and relatives at our house.
2. She loves treats. I think she could eat treats all day long and be completely fine. Maybe it is because we never have them in the house and she goes nuts when anyone else is willing to share them with her. I think this will come in handy when we potty train her this summer. By the way, we tried potty training her over Christmas break and homegirl was not ready. Quite honestly, i'm not sure her parents were either.
3. She loves to dance. Whenever Ben gets home that is usually the first thing she wants to do. She wants to turn on the radio and dance. This usually just entails her running in circles and screaming at a decibel that would kill your dogs.
4. She is so so good with Stella. Most of the time. Of course she has her moments where she rips toys away from Stella, but everything else is usually positive. She gives her kisses and likes to play mom saying things like, "no no sissy." "Sissy, you hungry?" She has even been known to life up her shirt and try to nurse Stella on occasion.
5. She does great in the nursery during church and MOPS. She used to cry and 9/10 times we would get called out of church because she had been crying for so long. Now she practically runs in and doesn't look back.
6. She is picky as all get out. She loves turkey hot dogs, any kind of fruit, yogurt, applesauce, and the Auntie Annie's mac n cheese. She sometimes will eat peas by the handful, which is crazy because I think peas are gross. Sometimes she surprises us and will eat things we wouldn't normally think of.
7. She is talking up a storm. I just can't believe the things that she says and the things she repeats. It makes me watch my mouth a little more closely. She will remind us that we need to pray if we forget and say Amen kind of like a Southern Baptist would when we are finished.
8. She has become a pianist. She can pound some keys I tell you. She will often move two chairs to the piano so that I can bring Stella over and play with her.
9. Speaking of chairs. She moves our kitchen chairs EVERYWHERE. She moves them over to the pantry, to the sink to wash her hands, to the stove, to the coffee maker, everywhere! Thankfully we have this house pretty Ruby proofed.
10. She has the most beautiful brown eyes and curls. She looks at me with those big brown eyes and I melt. Every. Single. Time.
Ruby is the girl who made my dreams come true. She made me a mom and I couldn't be happier having her in our life. Our lives changed forever on January 29, 2015. She makes me want to pull my hair out on some days, but on most days she makes me so happy and just content. We love you SO much Ruby and our prayer is that you grow up with the same energy and drive that you have right now to love and serve the Lord with all that you are. You were fearfully and wonderfully made-set apart and unique!
She used to not want to cuddle. Now she will snuggle right up to you if the timing is just right.
While mommy was away, mommy Ruby stepped in to help Daddy out.
Yep, she was pushing Stella around.
Those brown eyes!
Eating breakfast with her cousin, Liam.
After church naps are the best.
Loves giving sissy kisses!