Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Due Date and....

Hey Everyone,

Today is my due date. Today is supposed to be the day that Stella graces us with her presence. It doesn't appear to be happening today though. I went to the doctor and sure enough, I'm still only 1 cm. dilated and 50% effaced. Still have some work to do.

I can't really complain as I have two other good friends who are past their due date. Like 9 days I'm taking castor oil overdue. She's a tough cookie. I don't know that I could do Castor Oil. I have gone through different nesting stages. Last week, our house was really clean...all the time. This week, I have been keeping up on laundry, but things like Ruby's toys all over the place. That's difficult and involves a lot of up and down movements that just aren't as easy anymore. Ruby has also salvaged through the snacks that I have packed for Ben for when we are in the hospital. She knows right where they are and so I should maybe go through the inventory to make sure Ben doesn't go hungry.

Ruby has been extra sweet and lovely lately. She has been so much more cuddly than ever before. I have been soaking up Ruby has my only girl. We laugh, we play outside, we go to the park. We do as much as a 1 year old and her very pregnant mom can do in a single day can. I know that when Stella comes along, these things won't be as easy to do.

Well, that is all I really have to report. I'm 40 weeks pregnant today and so now we just wait. Hopefully the next post will be the birth announcement!

He really is the best daddy. I LOVE weekend mornings when I just sit and drink my coffee and watch him love on Ruby. Ruby equally loves her Daddy! 

Waddling our way through Maple Lake. I'm sure there are people who watch us out their window every day to check and see if I've had the baby yet. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

38 Weeks and......

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I remember these blog posts from Ruby all to well. Going to the doc and finding out that I've made no progress from week to week. It's ok though. I really want a healthy baby and that is all it comes down to. I didn't dilate with Ruby until I started having contractions, so I don't put much thought into the dreadful cervical checks. I have some really funny dialog between my OB and myself that I wish I could share here, but I fear that it is TMI. Just know that it's good. Real good. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy my OB? Is that weird? She is down to earth and makes me feel so comfortable in the most awkward situations.

I have felt so different this pregnancy and especially this late in the game. I feel like Stella is so much lower as I have so much more hip and pelvic pain. Night's really stink because I turn so often and well, it's not the easiest and it is not comfortable to do so. When I need to turn though there is no telling my body otherwise. So stubborn! I feel like this baby is bigger even though my doctor says I'm measuring normal and don't seem to be bigger. My blood pressure and vitals have all been normal which is good. I was telling Ben that I think it was easier teaching 23 Kindergartners while this pregnant than being this pregnant with Ruby. My sweet sweet child is all. over. the. place. She doesn't stop. Even if she does stop, she keeps moving something. She is in the process of cutting two big teeth in the back of her mouth and that is causing her quite a bit of pain. Add a cold to that and she can be a real treat at times. I used to think that when kids got sick they were more mellow and would cuddle with you. I was wrong, she just walks around being miss sass a frass.

Ben continues to be super busy and super wonderful. He teaches drivers ed on Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-5:30. He leaves for work around 6:00 A.M. I know I have been so blessed being married to a teacher who could potentially be home everyday around 4. I commend those mamas who have husbands who work 12 hour days or even don't get home until 5, 6, or later. I had a meeting at church the other night and had to bring Ruby with for about 10 minutes to do a swap with Ben because he had drivers ed stuff until 6:30. After my meeting I got home and made some egg bake and cheesy potatoes for MOPS the next morning (which we didn't go to because Ruby was sick) Thankfully the mentor mom at our table also lives in Maple Lake and was able to take the food. Anyways, I was just kinda stressed because I didn't get started making those things until about 9:30. Anyway, I was so frazzled and busy that I didn't notice the big bouquet of flowers on the table. Now, Ben will be the first to admit that he is not very romantic and doesn't do things like this often. When he does though, man is it a treat. It was so sweet and even though it was something material, it was just what I needed. So yeah...he is great.

That's all I got. :) Life lately continues to be fun and exciting with Ruby and another little girl who should be coming anytime now. Preferably after Saturday when my mom gets home from Florida. Thanks for reading and we continue to welcome prayers for our family!
Won't be long before there are two girls to love on. 

Stella's Room is completed

Well, as soon as I remove the junk in her crib...and get an area rug.