Hey Everyone,
Life has been pretty busy since Easter. Time is a funny thing. Given that we get the same amount each day, time can seem to go really fast or really slow. Last month went super fast. I can't believe Ruby is 3 months. She changes every single day and I'm so happy tha I get to witness this! The love we have for our little girl is unreal. I don't think you can possibly know what this love feels like until you become a parent. Here are some fun facts about Ruby.
1. She hates her car seat. If she isn't asleep in it she cries. In fact, the only time she really cries is when in her car seat. Any tips are welcome!
2. She continues to roll over from tummy to back, but it is very sporadic.
3. I heard her giggle twice and my heart melted. I then proceeded to act like a fool in order to get more. It didn't work.
4. She sleeps from 7 at night until 3. I feed her and she sleeps again until 7ish. It's wonderful!
5. She still loves baths.
6. She has discovered how to "yell." I always put her in her pack and play as soon as she shows any signs of being tired. She sometimes will yell at me before falling asleep. It's kind of funny.
7. She has started sucking her thumb and it is adorable! If only she would comfort herself in the car seat.
8. At church last Sunday I accidentally shocked Ruby on the nose and she went ballistic and cried until I picked her up. Oops. Lesson learned there.
9. We are going to start transitioning Ruby to her crib. I'm quite sad about it actually.
10. She is roughly around 12 1/2 pounds.
Ruby has a doctors appointment on June 1st. She will get her second round of shots then and get weighed and all that fun stuff. Ruby is generally a happy and content baby, but she is not a fan of going to the Doctor. Our Doctor is GREAT, but she is very popular. Therefore the nurse will usually do all of Ruby's vitals and then it takes a long time for her Doctor to come in, so she gets a little fussy.
I have grown to love breastfeeding and become more comfortable about it. It is very convenient. Two weeks ago we were coming home from church and there is a train track near our house. Well, Ruby was hungry and screaming. All of a sudden the train got slower and slower and eventually stopped. Having no idea when it would start again I crawled in the back, took her out of her car seat and fed her. About a minute later the train started moving again. I won't say whether or not Ben just drove home while I continued to feed her. (We only live a couple of blocks away)
Ben hast just over a month left of school before summer break. We are SO excited about this. It will be so great to have him home more during the day.