Ruby is 11 months old, although I don't have a pic to show for it. I think I will blame the Christmas hoopla on that. Ruby starting taking some steps on her own around 10.5 months. I think it is safe to say that she has mastered walking. For awhile she would see her target and basically lunge towards her target. Now, she has realized she can take her time and take many steps and get there without any bumps on her head or knees. I just can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. Let me also say, that homegirl has also developed a bit of an attitude. She knows what she wants and has taken to the screaming approach in order to tell me that. This usually revolves around more food. We are working hard on signing more and please. Ben and I have not been consistent with this, but now with the screaming...ooofta...signing it is. Ruby has also started laughing this big belly laugh, which we LOVE. Seriously, nothing is better. Ruby got a couple off dolls for Christmas and I was very interested in how Ruby would treat these dolls. I've showed her rocking and being really gentle with the babies, but so far she has just tried chewing on the babies hands and feet. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come! Speaking of, I'm 24 weeks pregnant. When did that happen?
With Ruby, I knew the exact week and day if someone were to ask how far along I was. Now, I went into my calendar on my phone and have reminders of how far along I am. I've had a really simple pregnancy so far. No morning sickness. I was tired as all get out the first trimester, but now I feel great and more myself. I'm starting to feel the baby (Stella Louise) more consistently. I'm 99% sure that Ben and I are done having babies after Stella, so I'm trying to appreciate and hold onto all of these feelings while being pregnant. Now, I say we are 99% sure we are done now, but keep in mind that we haven't left the baby stage yet. We won't for another two or so years, so there is a good chance that percentage might go down in a couple of years. We shall see. Usually whenever we set plans for ourselves, God changes them. I have had some mommy guilt of having another baby so close in age to Ruby. I say this in the way that I love Ruby SO much and it almost breaks my heart having to love another child. I don't think it is possible to love another as much as I do Ruby. Is this normal? I'm not sure, but I'm praying this guilt goes away. I'm sure it will. I'm not a fan of New Years Resolutions because they usually don't keep, but my "New Years Resolution" is to stay off of my phone/computer while Ruby is awake. The only time I can check social media will be when she is napping or has gone to bed. I'm usually pretty good at this, but I think this resolution might help me keep a little more accountable. I would like to keep this as Stella comes into the world, which means I will probably never be on social media. So, if you wonder if I've gone missing...just know that I"m busy trying to be a mom who is present.
2015 was the best year for having Ruby, but the worst year for losing my dad. Not going to lie, that completely sucked. It still sucks and it always will. I don't know that we will ever understand why here on earth, but we need to just trust that God's plan is perfect. I'm still at a point that I don't like thinking about what happened, I don't like thinking about my dad if I don't have to. I know that sounds awful, but it is still just doesn't seem real. Its hard for me to see pictures of my dad or to see his name pop up on my friends list on Facebook. I know that it will get easier or maybe a little more normal I don't know. I know that as time goes on, I will remember my dad for the good memories I have and the hilarious things he did and said. I'm excited for a fresh start in 2016. I'm excited that my mom is living in Maple Grove. I love that I can call her and go over to her house any time I want instead of it just being a phone call. I love that we often have "pizza" night at my moms where my siblings meet up at my moms. Last night my mom came out to Maple Lake and stayed over night so that Ben and I could have a date night. I'm excited for baby number 2 to arrive! I'm excited that I have made so many great friends through MOMS club and MOPS and I look forward to continuing that. I'm excited to see how Ruby grows and changes in 2016. Speaking of. Ruby turns 1 next month. As in 29 days.
I'm throwing a "Minnie Mouse" themed birthday party for Ruby. We went on a disney cruise in November and so I just decided...year of disney..Minnie Mouse it is. When Ben and I were in St. Cloud we stopped by Party City and I filled up on Minnie Mouse stuff. They only turn 1 once right? I'm also going to try and make my own Minnie Mouse cake with fondant frosting. Anyone out there tried this? Any tips? I've watched several youtube videos and they make it look so easy. I'm going to practice before hand. We will see how my practice sessions go. Maybe, just maybe I will document this endeavor. So, that is where we are at. Thanks for reading, thanks for praying, and thanks for being you and awesome!
This is the look that Ruby gives us when she is waiting for us to get her or she is about to do a belly laugh. We love this little girl SO much!
My dear friend Erin McBurney came over for the day today. She brought me some sparkling grape juice to bring in the new year.